Taxidermy fascinates and holds the interest of people of all ages . . . of all occupations and stations from farm boys to congressmen.
Taxidermy has become so popular and wide spread today that almost everyone is familiar with mounted and preserved specimens of birds, animals, fish and reptiles.
You've probably seen them in schools, in museums or in the private collections of sportsmen
An Art with Many Facets
There are many other facets or areas of Taxidermy which you may find interesting, that most people know very little about . . . or fail to associate with the Taxidermy Art.
In the following pages you will get some appreciation of the wide varriety of subjuects covered by our coursse of lessons. Some of these may interest you more than others. We teach them all in an attempt to give our students a broad overall knowledge of Taxidermy, as they complete each lesson or project they can better determine which area or areas they may wish to specialize in.
Easily Learned in Your Home
The wonderful thing about it is that you can learn to do this wonderful work at home in your spare time . . . at a very reasonable cost! Our lessons are simple step-by-step instructions. You can set your own pace . . . you'll find them actually fun to do.
It's like going to school without paying board and room or high tuition costs. And, there's no drudgery of apprenticeship, no dry lectures. You start doing actual Taxidermy with your first lessons.
How Will You Use This Art?
What do you plan to do with this knowledge? Are you a sportsman who wants to mount his own trophies for a personal collection? Will you just pursue it as a hobby? Do you intend to become a professional . . . and sell your work?
The choice is wide . . . it's up to you!
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"Taxidermy is the art of collecting, mounting and preserving birds, animals, game-heads, fishes and reptiles just as they appeared in life. Taxidermy also includes the tanning of skins, making rugs, robes and many kindred subjects."
