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The Minnesota Museum of the Mississippi has partnered with Cubicle Gallery to exhibit some of our recent acquisitions and lesser-known objects from the Museum collections.
Detail of installation. |
The Visible Spectrum of A-Z: An alphabetory refraction of type specimens in visible wavelengths
May - June 2004
Between the infra-a and the ultra-z lies the visible spectrum of letterforms we know as our western alphabet. As language diffracted onto paper, this exhibit showcases 960 type specimens of various color, weight, style and history. When viewed as a whole, the individual diffraction patterns of each type face combine to create all the colors of the world of words around us.
Opening Reception May 7, 4:30-5:30pm |
Untitled (#4750), detail. Hartung, 1940-1960. |
Catopia: Postcards of Animal Disasters by Swiss Illustrator Hartung
March - April 2004
A small sample of postcards published by Alfred Mainzer of New York from the 1940s to the present. Little is known about the artist Hartung, who painted over 200 scenes of modern life with animals (primarily cats) taking the place of humans. Hartung's world is one of near constant catastrophe, accidents, mistakes and animal incompetence. Is the moral of this Aesop's fable that entropy is the inevitable result of human progress, or that its a good thing we don't trust the animals to run things around here?
Opening Reception March 6, 4:30-5:30pm |
New York, detail. Herman Bollman, 1958. |
Eyes of a Bird: A Panorama of Axonometric City Maps 1930-2000
January - February 2004
A survey of fine examples of panoramic and axonometric cartography. Artists in the exhibit include Herman Bollman, Constantine Anderson, Guido Falcony Palacio, Juan Núñez Guirado, Theres Weishappel & Ulrich Giersch and Tomás Rygl.
Opening Reception January 9, 4:30-5:30pm |
Chenoa Illinois. Robert Waldmire, 1994. |
Still the Best Way West: Route 66 postcards by Robert Waldmire
Fall 2003
Robert Waldmire is well known for his intensely detailed illustrated maps of Route 66, and these postcards continue his examination of the minutae along that historic highway. Each of 66 postcards shown in the exhibit is crowded with tiny notes, local history, tiny sketches and thumbnail maps as Waldmire endeavors to convey the multiple dimensions of these places. |
Untitled. Esther S-, ca. 2002. |
Portrait of an Unknown Photographer
Summer 2003
A series of rejected photographs by unknown art student Esther S-, recovered from a trash bin in the alley behind her house by the Rat Patrol. Lush textural studies alternate with fragmented self portraits. |