Obverse 1:
The Stone Witch
Rock City Gardens
Obverse 2:
High Falls, Stone Face, Sky Bridge and Lover's Leap from Observation Point in Rock City Gardens
Lookout Mountain
The Enchanted Trail in Rock City Gardens
ON LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN, six miles from Chattanooga, Tenn., there is a natural city of rocks that has been attracting visitors for more than two centuries. It embraces about ten acres of unusual formation of lichen-covered sandstone rocks. Narrow "streets," "alleys" and passage-ways gracefully wind through Nature's wondrous "houses of stone."
The Enchanted Trail, 3,800 feet in length, carries its guests through tunnels, over bridges, on to the heights and down through the narrow crevices, many of which exceed a depth of 100 feet. The Trail, a path four feet wide, surfaced with flagstone, makes accessible in all kinds of weather every nook, cranny and crevice in this weirdly beautiful Rock City.
Suspension bridges are arranged for passage from one high bluff to another, spanning the chasms of beauty and charm.
Among the points of interest along the Trail are the Grand Corridor--a passage-way 300 feet long and 10 to 20 feet wide, deep down between two high bluffs--Needle's Eye, Mushroom Rock, Gnome's Overpass, Goblin's Underpass, Lion's Den, Shelter Rock, across Sky Bridge to Lovers' Leap--(the view from which is unsurpassed)--Tortoise Shell Rock, and we wiggle through Fat Man's Squeeze, thence to the wonderful 1000-ton Balance Rock, Observation Point, from which one sees mysterious High Falls as it plunges 90 feet over the precipice, and the Hall-of-the-Mountain-King. At the Moonshine Still, in a natural grotto, the jolly gnomes "brew the mountain dew." Near the end of the Magic Valley, Galoochee, the wicked Stone Witch "smokes her pipe and smiles."
The climax of the trip is spectacular Fairyland Caverns. Here the artistry of painters and sculptors has been combined to bring to life the Mother Goose stories and nursery rhymes of your childhood.
Rock City Gardens is not only of great interest to geologists but to botanists as well.
Hundreds of varieties of native wild flowers, shrubs and trees have been added in nature's own way so cleverly that the Garden Club of America awarded its bronze Medal of Distinction for conservation and horticultural achievement.
Curteich, Chicago
N 34° 58.426', W 85° 20.845'