Read more about the gardens
- Ak-Sar-Ben Rock Gardens, by Marjorie Rea -
Read on Internet Archive
- Minnesota Marvels: Roadside Attractions in the Land of Lakes, Eric Dregni, University of Minnesota Press, 2001
- Monumental Minnesota : a Guide to Outdoor Sculpture, Moira F. Harris, Pogo Press, 1992
- Minnesota Marvels: Roadside Attractions in the Land of Lakes, Eric Dregni, University of Minnesota Press, 2001
- Monumental Minnesota : a Guide to Outdoor Sculpture, Moira F. Harris, Pogo Press, 1992
- Sacred Spaces and Other Places, Lisa Stone & Jim Zanzi, The School of the Art Institute Press, 1993
- Sacred Spaces and Other Places, Lisa Stone & Jim Zanzi, The School of the Art Institute Press, 1993
The Garden of Eden - Toledo, OH
Grotto of the Redemption - West Bend, IA
Immaculate Conception Grotto - Carroll, IA
- Sacred Spaces and Other Places, Lisa Stone & Jim Zanzi, The School of the Art Institute Press, 1993
Johnson's Rock Garden - Hendricks, MN<.
- 1001 Curious Things, Kate C. Duncan, University of Washington Press, 2001
- Sacred Spaces and Other Places, Lisa Stone & Jim Zanzi, The School of the Art Institute Press, 1993
- Chiroweb - B.J. of Davenport: a Photo Odyssey - a biography of B.J. Palmer
- Des Moines Register - Famous Iowans - a biography of B.J. Palmer
- Palmer College of Chiropractic - official site
- Minnesota Marvels: Roadside Attractions in the Land of Lakes, Eric Dregni, University of Minnesota Press, 2001
- Monumental Minnesota : a Guide to Outdoor Sculpture, Moira F. Harris, Pogo Press, 1992
- Naives and Visionaries, "Louis C. Wippich: Clown of Molehill", Ted & Karon Sherarts, E.P. Dutton, 1974
- WBEZ 848 radio program - Cool Spots - Real Audio visit which aired August 23, 2001
- Sacred Spaces and Other Places, Lisa Stone & Jim Zanzi, The School of the Art Institute Press, 1993
- Souvenir Mollie Jenson Zoo & Museum -
Read on Internet Archive
- Montana Behind the Scenes, Durrae and John Johanek, Two Dot / Falcon Publishing, 2000
- Unsigned, Unsung...Whereabouts Unknown, Jim Roche, Florida State University Gallery & Museum Press, 1993
- Naives and Visionaries, "Herman Rusch: Prairie Moon Museum and Garden", Judith Hoos, E.P. Dutton, 1974
- Circles of Tradition: Folk Arts in Minnesota, Willard B. Moore, Marion John Nelson, Johannes Riedel, Minnesota Historical Society Press, 1989
- Sacred Spaces and Other Places, Lisa Stone & Jim Zanzi, The School of the Art Institute Press, 1993
- Sacred Spaces and Other Places, Lisa Stone & Jim Zanzi, The School of the Art Institute Press, 1993
- Penumbra Music travels the globe - Favorite Places - photos
- WBEZ 848 radio program - Cool Spots - Real Audi visit with Joe Suilmann which aired July 20, 2001

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