Museum of Montana Wildlife, Browning, Montana
Sculptor Bob Scriver maintains this elegant and well-made museum as an adjunct to his extensive wildlife sculpture studio. It is a sanctuary of quiet, soft light, small spaces and fine taxidermy, a relief from the stark sunlight of the open plains and the crazed traffic parade on Hiway 2 through Browning. There are mounted representatives of all the mammals and fish species found in Montana, each labelled carefully and clearly, without much clutter of natural setting.

In addition to the large room of taxidermy, a highlight of the museum is a smaller side gallery of miniature dioramas. These chariming jewel-like tiny scenes show off the typical habitat of various wildlife in everyday situations, with the rugged foreground and painted backdrop landscape providing the drama.
U.S. Highways 2 & 89
Browning, Montana |
(406) 338-5425 |